Iphone Plague.

I’m speaking but you’re not responsive.
I’m talking but you’re not listening.
I’m screaming but you’re not understanding.

I want to take that device and break it into tiny minuscule pieces
and shove them back in your pocket where it belongs.
The only thing lit up you should be fixated on, is my eyes.
Not the contraption in your hands.
Look at me!, I’ve dressed up all pretty for you.
My lips are bright red because I thought you wouldn’t mind staring at them for a change.
This deep jealousy rings through my heart and shoots out of my ears as fume.
Brightness shines on your face, head nods here and there to keep me satisfied.
To give ME a sense of fulfillment.(ha!)
So, I stop talking altogether and stare at the piece of crap in your hands.
What is it that I don’t have, that this iPhone does.
I’m sorry I can’t express my emotions as easily as the emojis in iMessage.
I’m sorry I can’t spell out statuses and rap lyrics for you like Facebook does.
I’m sorry I can’t do things to make you laugh like you do when you see Twitter.
I’m sorry I can’t stop time for you like Snapchat can.
I’m sorry you can’t put a filter on me like Instagram can.
I’m sorry I can’t be as much as they can for you.
But, give me a chance. For god sake would you look up at me?
It’s all for you!

Am I boring you?

I can feel the inch by inch space that begins to etch between us,
cutting us right down to the T.
I can feel those lips getting tired.
Gripped hands wanting more.
Oh, how I wish I could give you more of me.
I’ve given you everything. Every ounce of my being.
My cards are laid out flat. I’ve shown it all.
Yet, the deep desire burning in the pit of your stomach…
It isn’t fulfilled.
Our hands barely interlocked.
Conversations fading.
Silence falling amongst us.
My biggest fear would be that I wouldn’t be enough.
And here I am, laying bare wrapped in the warmth of white sheets.
Oh, how I miss those arms wrapped around my waist.
Your chin resting on my head. Your chest rising and falling against my back.
I lay there still on my side.
Listening to your snores disappear into the dark.
I lay still.