For Rainy Days.

Don’t be belittled by the hardships of life.
Face them head on. Attack them.
Tackle them to the bottomless pit.
Never underestimate who you are.
Never give yourself the inability to flourish.
You are your only set back. You are your own bully.
You are your own problem.
And, somehow you are your only solution.
Catch yourself. Be the safety net.
All the questions that go unanswered….
…The what ifs that invade your thoughts.
You have the remedy that will silence them all.
Look deeper, my love.
Because you are meant to bloom.
Even in the darkest days….

No Negative Nancy’s.

Sometimes being positive can be the hardest thing to accomplish. Negative situations stick out everywhere. Whether it be in your social life, personal life, work life. Negativity surrounds us circling the entire globe. At times it can be very difficult to pull through a smile when all you want to do is dress like a bag and watch some stupid movie, with a stupid happy ending. But, it’s not all stupid. Though this negativity encircles us. We must pull through.


Just like you, theres people out there who feel lost. Just like you, theres people out there who just went through a terrible break up. Just like you, someones lost a loved one. Though times maybe difficult and it seems as if this will never end. It will. Time has taught me many things.. Being patient is one of them. You will get over it, you will move on.  These are things I told myself everyday after I had been victim to a terrible breakup or after I lost the love of my life or after I fell to an addiction. As bad as your story might be, as bad as you think you have it. You’ve got to wear your big girl panties or suit up and take charge of your life.


Time will not wait. You will get tired of crying, you will get tired of not knowing. So, think bigger ideas, think of a brighter path. As much as I’d love to come and shake each and every one of you, I can’t. Everything will be ok, I promise you that much.

With lots of Love,


Being positive for all the negative Nancy’s‘s out there.